PureAire Oxygen Monitor Lights the way to Safety with 10+ Year Sensor.

  • By PureAire
  • 18th July, 2018

Gas leaks are among the most common risks when storing or using liquid nitrogen, helium, CO2 or argon cylinders in a confined space. With inert cryogenic gases, loose or broken fittings can leak gas into a room, displacing oxygen, causing impaired judgment or loss of life to workers. To guard against this potential situation, oxygen deficiency monitors are ideal in the workplace. Specifically, PureAire, a supplier of oxygen deficiency monitors, offers a monitor that uses a non-depleting zirconium oxide sensor that has a 10+ year sensor life and requires no calibration or periodic maintenance.

According to Air Liquide and Irish Oxygen’s Nitrogen Safety Sheet, “cryogenics are mostly stored in confined spaces such as offices, freezers or hallways. One of the most overlooked additions to having LN2, He, Ar or CO2 cylinders ranging from 25 to 250 lb is the O2 monitor. MSDS sheets all have a variation of information mentioning high pressure and suffocation with no odor. In high concentrations, asphyxiation occurs with no warning. Symptoms may include loss of mobility/consciousness and [workers] must apply artificial respiration if breathing [has] stopped.”

The rapid release of nitrogen and various other cryogenics show absolutely no signs of immediate danger. NIOSH and OSHA state anything under 19.5% oxygen is considered hazardous and a dangerous environment for employees. The earth is a wonderful source of calibrated oxygen and we breathe 20.9% of it. PureAire’s oxygen detector is one of the most widely used real-time monitors for detecting leaks among cryogenic gas cylinders in storage rooms. If a gas spill or leak occurs, PureAire’s oxygen monitor is designed to turn on strobes and audible alarms to warn workers to evacuate the location. It also has built-in relays that can active ventilation fans to bring in fresh air.

PureAire’s oxygen monitor uses a 10+ year zirconium sensor, requiring zero maintenance and calibration. Because of its lasting electrochemical sensor, unlike other monitors that may use depleting ones, PureAire’s Oxygen Monitor helps labs save money in the long-term. Additionally, built-in “supervised watchdog” software continuously monitors all instrument functions 24/7. It is not affected by humidity, temperature or changes in barometric pressure, including changes caused by thunderstorms.

Feel free to contact us at PureAire’s website www.pureairemonitoring.com, or www.monitoroxygen.com.We can also be reached at 1-888-788-8050, or 1-847-726-6000. PureAire has been in business since 1997, and has a continued growth of 30% per year. Al Carrino is the President, and Brandon Alan is the VP of sales.